작성일 : 17-04-30 09:51
2017 Concentrated Training Forum
 글쓴이 : Paul Park
조회 : 830  

I went to the concentrated training forum. What I got from the message is that I need to find myself inside of God's word. Pastor 송 kept on emphasizing that we have to find our true selves, and secure our identity in Christ, and we cannot be deceived by Satan and the things of the world. When we have lost the ourselves, the things of Satan arise inside of us, trapping us in his embrace. When we lose our identity, Satan puts the worldly things as our first priority such as being successful, going to a good college, and having lots of friends. I know how this feels, because I have been experienced this situation for the past two months. No matter how hard I tried to do my Prayer Journal, I skipped it many days because I was too lazy. I woke up very late in the morning, have been late to school several times, and came home depressed, and watched TV for about 4 hours, and slept. Another thing that I realized is that whenever I prayed to God, he wouldn't answer my prayers. I don't know if this is correct, but for me, I felt like my connection with God was broken. I tried really hard in those two months to restore my spiritual state, but nothing was working. Satan just kept on deceiving me and even when I tried to break the forces of darkness, nothing would happen. But now, I realize that I have suffered in the last 2 months because I had lost my identity and had fallen into Satan's trap. Because I know what state I am in right now, I can restore my relationship with God by continuously asking him for His grace. Pastor said that if your are in this state, sing hymnals starting from number 1 all the way to 600. I praised God yesterday but fell asleep after singing 7 songs. This topic is very important. How can you carry out God's works if your are being bound by Satan? If you have lost your identity, and you feel that Satan is controlling your life, ask God for his grace and start over. Thanks to Pastor 송 and the concentrated training, my relationship with God is finally being restored. 


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